Monday, May 16, 2011


Written in the 90s in Carrollton, GA excerpted from the
McCumsey Family Footprints and Ancestor Antics Newsletter

 For many years now, I have been researching the McCumsey family, waiting until I knew everything there was to know about the surname McCumsey before I began to publish information. To my dismay, the farther back in time that I went, the more difficult it became to trace the families.
Due to inaccurate spellings and the census takers writing what they "heard" (phonetic spellings), I have found the name McCumsey also was McComsey, McCumpsey, McCumsie, McComsie, McCumeskey, McCompsey, and McCumisky etc. So, really, none of us really know at this point what the original name was.
The earliest McCumsey ancestor I have found was a John McComsey from Pennsylvania in the early 1700s. He had a son named John and in that family the name was McComsey and McCumsey in the same records. Administration of elder John's estate had the name spelled one way and in the son's estate, the name was spelled the other way.
I, like Robert S. (Bob) McComsey, of New York, believe John McComsey to be the father of the McComsey/McCumsey line. His wife, Mary, could neither read nor write. She did use her mark (x) on signing official documents. When her husband John died in 1758, she turned the estate over to her son John for administering. Without a will, it is very difficult to trace family members.
In the 1770s and during the Revolutionary War, there were several McCumsey men. Some took the Oath of Allegience according to records. Others were just shown as serving and with whom. They were John McCumsey, 1778, Alexander McCumpsey, 1778, and Robert McCumsy, 1780.
I also have a record of a Robert McComsey who married a Catherine Wimmer on May 18, 1795 in Frederick County, MD.
I believe that the original John McComsey/McCumsey had several sons: John,Alexander, Robert,William and Thomas and perhaps Samuel.
In the 1790 Census of Strasbourgh Twp, Lancaster Col, PA, there are several McCumsey members: Thomas McChumsie, Samuel McCumsie and Robert McCumsie.
As I continue to research the McCumsey/McComsey surname, I am able to match parents, grandparents etc. in many cases, and the  picture becomes clearer. In any event, it seems that the family that stayed behind in the Pennsylvania area kept the surname McComsey and the family that moved west kept the surname McCumsey.
Since, at this point in my research, I can honestly say that I can't yet connect the relationship between some of the earliest McComsey/McCumsey members from the early 1700s. I can say that I have compiled an abundance of information on the descendents of Robert McCumsey who was born about 1756. I cannot confirm his parents, however. I do know that he is believed to have had a sister Margaret. This may help us locate the parents.
I did find some information that the estate of Thomas McCumseh in Franklin County, PA was in 1816. Book p. 288, Est. 1425. Admin. Robert McCumseh. Letters May 27, 1816.
The Robert McCumsey from whom I descend left the Lancaster, PA area and moved to Ohio shortly after 1828. His son Thomas (and perhaps a son, Alexander and William) were already living in Ohio in 1828.
In 1824, taxpayers in St. Mary's Twp, Auglaize County, OH included Charles McCumsey. In 1830 taxpayers were: Thomas McCumsey and William McCumsey.
Thomas McCumsey (b. 17 August 1787 d. 19 October 1852) was my third great grandfather. I have not confirmed all his brothers and sisters, but I believe them to be: Robert, Alexander, John and perhaps William and Samuel. I do know that Thomas was married at least two times. His second wife was Phebe (Phoebe) Wildy (Wilde). Some say it was Wiley. She was my 3rd great grandmother. They are buried in Elkhart County, IN. Thomas and Phebe had several sons and one daughter. They were in order of birth: William (b.1824), Lucas (b.1826), Robert (b. 1828), Richard (b. 1832), Abraham (b. 1834), Isaac, (b. 1837), Rachel(b. 1839), Benjamin (b. 1842), and John (b. 1845).
By his first marriage, I believe that Thomas had Charles, Susan and Betsy (Elizabeth). This is not entirely confirmed. Charles was remembered by one of the famly members who moved west and later located in Oregon.
It is my intent to find the descendents of each of the sons of Thomas. So far, I have found descendents of Wiliam, Robert (my line), Richard, Benjamin and John. I intend also to locate the brothers and sisters of Thomas (my third great grandfather).
The research continues. I would like to enlist the help of family historians for each line, so I need volunteers. As I research, I find family members in most every state and some in Canada.
The McCumsey/McComsey family women also have much to offer in researching the family...maybe even more than the men. We need to llocate them, so we can add their surnames to our files!!
If each of you would please take some time and update your family line that would help all of us. It would be a great blessing!
The Lord knew far in advance whom He would make members of this great family...whether we wanted to be born into this family or not, we were, and HE knows best. As for those who married into our family....welcome! Some of our new additions are the best historians.
Among the family ancestors and members today you will find engineers, railroad men, school teachers, farmers, printers, newspaper people, publishers, Sunday School teachers, carpenters, stone masons, gardeners, doctors, housewives, ministers, real estate agents....and more!
Come join us! I'd like to get a Family Historian from each state, too!...minimum...
 To our future generations: Perhaps by providing you with the footprints of your past, you will lay the foundation for the future by giving our children and grandchildren their heritage, values and memories!
 God bless!
 Judith McCumsey Miller


  The elusive McCumsey family has been found in PA and OH in the 1700s and early 1800s. I have found them also in the state of KY as early as 1788. Fayette and Jefferson County,  Kentucky were  formed out of Kentucky County, VA  in 1780. Woodford County came out of Fayette in 1788 and Shelby came out of Jefferson in 1792. In 1788, there was a John McCumsey signing a petition to divide Fayette Co.; in 1790 an appraisement and inventory of Robert McCumsey was given from “Will book of Woodford County”. The 1800 census of Woodford County gives both a John and William McCumsey. The 1810 census gives a William McCumsey in Shelby County. The 1820 census gives a William McCumsey in Jefferson Co.., none in Shelby Co, or Woodford. In 1830 and 1840 a William McCumsey in Jefferson Co. None listed in 1850 So one could surmise that the McCumsey families from KY either died or migrated elsewhere. Does anyone know, or would someone like to volunteer to follow up on this?


New Jersey

Middlesex County Gravestones – Osage Cemetery

McCumsey, Arthur M. See William McCumsey
McCumsey, John, “Co. I 74 Regt. Ind. Inf.,” 1845-1914; wife Sarah Waggoner, 1847-1919
McCumsey,William, 1889-1963; wife, Sarah, 1891-1963; son Arthur M., 1915-1968;    dau. Viola N. Burrows, 1911-1981. In same plot with Hohn McCumsey and wife.
McCumsey, Viola N. See Viola N. Burrows
Burrows, Viola N., dau. Of William and Sarah McCumsey, 1911-1981. In John McCumsey plot


Maryland Marriages 1778-1800

McComsey, Robert, 18 April 1785, Cath. Warner  2-FR-1151


Lancaster County Cemetery Search:
Brackvill and Neff Graveyard: Strasburg Twp., Lancaster County, PA
McCumsey, Major b. March 5, 1765 d. July 17, 1836 aged 71-4-11 A Revolutionary Soldier
Silver Springs Cemetery: West Hempfield Twp. Lancaster Co., PA
George W. McCumsey, 1872-1943, wife Ida, 1874- ____
Mellinger Mennonite Cemetery – East Lampeter Twp., Lancaster Co. PA
Sarah M. McComsey 1899-January 26, 1966
Quarryville Cemetery – Eden Twp, Lancaster C., PA
William J. McComsey  b. 1865 d. 1937 wife Lily Smythe b. 1870 d. 1939
Harry S. McComsey, Jr. 1919-1950 Infants Glen R. 1947, Karl D. 1949
Charles H. McComsey, 1888-1954, wife, Elsie E. 1894-___
Howard McComsey  1862-1946, wife, Anna B. Stoner 1867-1937
Joseph G. McComsey, 1876-1960, wife, Susan, 1873-1962
Claude M. Armstrong, 1913-1959, wife, Ella M. McComsey, 1914- ____
F. B. Mccomsey, 1873-1959, wife, Katie W. White, 1875-1943
Sanders P. McComsey, 1893-1955, wife, Sara J. Thomas, 1892-1962
J. Thomas McComsey, 5-21-1870 – 10-20-1961, wife, M. Margaret, 12-26-1869 –
S. Anna D. McComsey , 8-02-1871 – 1-31-1941
Harry S. McComsey, 11-3-1864 – 1-11-1910 “Flag”, wife, Janetta (Bowman), 2-28-1875 – 6-1-1906
Sidwell S. McComsey, 1896-1961, wife, Emily N. Tollinger, 1902 - ____
Freddy S. McComsey, 1924-1960 Co. A 310th Sig. BN., Children: Violet M. McComsey, 1915-1919, Mildred J. Mccomsey, 1926-1927
James R. McComsey, 1832-1909 C o. H. 152nd Reg. Pa Vol., wife, Elizabeth A. 1833-1912, children, Ollie J., 1881-1907, James S., 1863-1895, erected by L. And T. McComsey
Martin C. Eshleman, WWI (no dates), wife, Violet McComsey (no dates) on reverse side of stone – Eckmans
James M. McComsey, 2-26-1890 – 1-7-1940, wife, Wynona J. , 4-5-1894 - _______
Daughter, Beryl, 1915-1915
Robert J. McComsey, 7-15-1914 – 11-18-1951, Lt. Col, U. S. Air Force – He led the U.S. Army Air Corps Fighter – Squadron on the liberation of the Phillipines, 9th Fighter Squadron – 49th Fighter Group, Landed and operated P 38th Legte P. I.  Oct. 1944
Frank McComsey, 1857-1943, wife Evannah, 1860-1897, son Leander, 1893-1915
Elmer McComsey, 1866-1945, wife, S. Margaret, 1869-1912, children: Paul A., 1897-1918. Ethel E. Janney , 1899-1957
Edgar A. McComsey, 1891-1942, wife, P. Ethyl, 1896 ____, daughter, Virginia E., 1925-1933
Sanders M. McComsey, 1859-1932 ,wife, Susan A., 1851-1927, son Daniel E., 1888-1918 Co. M 316 Inf. , 79th  Div. Killed in action in Argonne Offensive 9-28-1918